"Every man's memory is his private literature"
- Aldous Huxley
Literature is everything that has ever been written. It includes comic books, novels, plays, autobiographies, fables, diaries, poetry, and many more.
Literature signifies the earth. Yeah! That's the title of my blog. Why do I say that? The earth is an abode for every living creature. It comprises primarily of many elements including oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, etc. which makes every creatures breathe and sustain life. Like literature, it contains different forms & structures. It can sustain morals & values by giving the reader new knowledge about life. We cannot also understand literature if we just read it, but in the sense that we should analyze and live with it. Life has birth and death likewise literature has the beginning and end.
The image in the upper-right corner shows the blue-cleared globe with black and cyan colors on the side. It tells about my perception of what literature is. Life on earth is like life in literature which is full of fictions, reality, surprises, frustrations, and achievements. As time goes by, literature transfers from one generation to another. For me, you should be able to understand and analyze the true meaning of earth, of why you're living here and what's your purpose for you to absorb literature.
Living and enjoying your life to the fullest will make you learn literature. It will show different emotions of the author. Once you have learned on how to deal with your life, surely, you will understand and enjoy literature.
Life on earth is so vulnerable and unpredictable. You will never know your limitation. So, treat each day of your life as if it was the last day.
Good day and God bless. =>
picture taken from http://www2.binghamton.edu/comparative-literature/images/com-lit-globe.jpg